Texts for the tradition series: Proverbs

Texts for the tradition series: Proverbs

Psichogios Publications | 2022 | Illustrations: Adriana Roussou

In the old days, not everyone could attend school, nor did every household possess books. “And how did they learn anything back then?” you might well ask. People learned from the wisdom and experiences of others; and one way for them to pass on this knowledge was through proverbs, short phrases, graphic descriptions παραστατικές and sometimes jokes, taken from everyday life.
In this book, we will become acquainted with some of the most enjoyable proverbs, as handed down from generation to generation, that our grandparents learned from their grandparents and they in turn from their grandparents, going way, way back. Let’s get started!

Our tradition
Our tradition is a living thing.
It lives and breathes and exists around us. You will have heard, of course, that tradition is a way of life, the morals and mores of our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. But it’s not only that. It’s something unbelievably entertaining. It can give you hours of pleasure, play and enjoyment. Open this book and you’ll understand how!
